Thursday, November 6, 2008

Changing icon for hard drive

Can you change name of hard drive?
Yes, you can. by rename it.

But, Can you change the icon of these disk?
What?? How it??....

There is how?

Everyone can change the name of their hard drive, but not everyone can change these icon

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Help Desk - Compressing Image File

There is how to compress image file, such as scanning images or photos without lossing quality of images

Let's Try it :

1. Select your image file, right click on it and select an option "open with" then "microsoft office picture manager"

2. Then, at Picture manager. select an option "Picture" => "Compress Picture"

3. Then select "Compress for" => "Document" => "Ok" then "Save"


4. An image has compressed from 3,864 KB to 213 KB. There in no lossing quality of image